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norshield logoNor®Shield AC is presently the most effective and innovative protection against corrosion. Based on a Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) the composite made by K.L. features an extremely fast formation of the anti-corrosive athmosphere. K.L. ensures the particularly high VCI concentration by a regardful production process at room temperature and a constantly exact amount of coating. In comparison to other VCI packaging production methods we have nearly no loss of active agents. Nor®Shield products have a large reservoir of active substance and a large effective surface. The additional depot effect ensures a long lasting protection against corrosion and a corrosion-free storage and transport of the material to be protected.

Contact persons

Sven Jansen
team icons phone 15  0592-4299-37-50
team icons mobile 15  0173-617-35-73
team icons email 15 jansen@kaschier.de


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